Boards attached to spaces

Use boards attached to spaces if you want:

1. Separate the executive and business levels;

2. Set up the delegation of tasks;

3. Create child cards on the different spaces from the parent cards

4. Use OKRs and see progress on goals at any level.

Using it, you will make multi-level projects and spaces with any depth of detail.

Boards attached to spaces are a convenient way to delegate tasks to your delivering team with no need of diving into its implementation for the manager. This is especially important when the customer needs to get a quick status of work processes.

How to attach a board to a space

Step 1 – on the board with top-level tasks, click on the chain icon in the upper right corner.

In the window that appears, select which space you want to attach this board to.

Step 2 – After we linked the board, a side menu appeared in the space with the name of the anchored board

Click on it to see the cards

While in the performer space, you can toggle between the columns of the linked board (tasks can be dragged and dropped from any column) or quickly navigate to the client space.

Step 3 – Drag the customer card to one of the team boards. A new card will be created and will become a child of the customer card.

Your team members can take a task apart and create multiple child cards for themselves from a single customer card. For example, from a customer card “Launch a New Site” you can create a “Create Mockups” card on the “Design” board and a “Write Articles” card on the “Copywriters” board.

The same board can be attached to any number of spaces, but a space can only have one board attached (one menu on the left).

It is convenient to use attached boards and child cards with another feature of Kaiten — automatic movement of parent cards.