The sequence of cards in the "Timeline"

In the "Timeline" section, you can customize the order in which cards are executed by creating links between them.

To add a link, drag the circle on the side of the task and connect it to another task.

The link will be displayed both in the timeline and in the card itself (by clicking on the link icon next to the timeline field).

If you add a link with conflicting (intersecting) terms, such a link will be displayed in red.

If the planned end date on a task increases, all subsequent dates for related cards will automatically shift in case of a conflict, taking into account the working days and hours that you have specified in the timeline settings in the space.

You can remove links between cards in the following ways:

  • Move the cursor over the connection line and click. A dialog will appear with the option to delete.

  • In the card, open the links block near the timeline field and click on the cross.