Add relations between cards

Links help you decompose large tasks and keep track of their progress.

Let's say you have top-level tasks:

1. Site

2. Project

3. Strategic goal

These tasks consist of a certain list of subtasks, which in turn are distributed among different teams.

You create a board for top-level tasks, create boards for sub-tasks according to your production hierarchy, and link tasks on the top-level board to boards on the lower level.

How to add a link to a card

1. Click on the purple plus button in the card.

2. Press "Parent card" if you want to add a parent task, or "Child card" for a child.

3. Enter part of the task name, the system will highlight the appropriate options for you. Or choose the path to the card yourself.

4. Select the desired option with the keyboard or mouse.

If you, for example, added a parent task, then the link with the child will automatically begin to display in it.

You can also create a card while searching for a parent or child card.

How to remove a link between cards

Open the card, move the cursor over the required card in the "Links" block, click on the cross to the right of the card to remove the link.

How to track progress on child tasks

You just need to open the parent task, in the link block it will be written in what state the child task is.

Progress on parent task

Child tasks affect the progress line of the card in the same way as checklists.

In general, the formula for the progress line is as follows:

% progress = (Number of checklist items made + number of completed child tasks)/(Number of all checklists + number of all child tasks)