Spaces have a powerful Filters tool that helps you find exactly what you need.
In order to activate a filter, you must click on the “Filters” button in the top panel.
You can filter cards by several criteria at once. We call this a filter group.
Filters in a group are linked by the “AND” or “OR” condition. The “AND” condition means that all filters in the group must be executed. The “OR” condition means that at least one filter must be executed.
There can be as many groups as you like. You can create a very precise filter with many conditions.
You can save the created complex filter so that you do not need to re-enter the conditions every time you need it. You can find the saved filters by clicking on the “Filters” button.
1. By card title
2. By owner
3. By member
4. By responsible
5. By the "ASAP" mark
6. By the "Blocked" mark
7. By tags
8. By parent card
9. By card type
10. By card status
11. By the date of card creation
12. By completion date
13. By the date of the last move
14. By update date
15. By the date of the start of work on the card
16. By the date of the planned start of work
17. By the date of the planned end of work
18. By date
19. By service
20. By card path
21. By date of adding comments