Automatic movement of parent cards

Separating tasks by nesting level into child and parent often makes life easier. It helps to better visualize the flow of the project, delegate subtasks and more accurately build the process of work of several people (or departments).

1. Conveniently organize the board of top-level tasks;

2. Not to check the status of child tasks constantly. It will be updated automatically and always be up to date.

Assume, that you have a task and several subtasks (i.e. child cards for it).

(Executors can conveniently create subtasks from customer cards using attached spaces — read here — but we will take boards in the same space as an example).

In this example, the card "Launch new website" is the parent card and "Draw page templates» is the child.

Let's turn on the automatic movement of parent cards on the first board:

1. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the board

2. Select "Rules"

  1. Check the box next to "Automatically move parent cards to "Done "“

Now, when we start to move the child cards on the board, the parent card also automatically moves to another column.

Parent card moves to the column "In progress" even if one of its child cards moves to the column "In progress". For parent card to finish automatically, you need to move all child cards to the column "Done".

Automatic movement of cards works if only there are exactly 3 columns of the types "Queue", "In progress", "Done" on the board where you turn it on.